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Happy Bar & Grill is a chain of daily restaurants in Bulgaria and Barcelona. The exclusive quality of food and the high standard of service account for the best-in-class brand Happy Bar & Grill. The chain also boasts the largest number of restaurants in Bulgaria located in the heart of larger towns and cities, or along the highways and the main roads. Besides Happy brand, our company has created and develops several other brands too. History The first restaurant of the Happy Bar & Grill chain was opened in Varna, the sea pearl of Bulgaria, on Christmas Eve – 24 December 1994. The place was named Happy Moryashki Bar. Embraced by the local people, soon enough, on 06 July 1995 it was followed by the second start-up, Happy Orbita thus launching the largest and fast-growing chain of daily restaurants in the country. Nowadays, the company manages and develops 22 Happy restaurants in Bulgaria and two more in Barcelona, Spain. Our restaurants are set in the largest towns of Bulgaria, boasting top locations, or are top spots on the national road map. Happy Delivery is a service by Happy Bar & Grill, launched back to 2010. Presently, Happy delivers on the territory of all towns and cities hosting a restaurant except for the national road network. Generally, the key to creating a feeling of happiness and pleasure is the mild humor garnished with a good taste. The brand uses the taste of life and the taste of food as equal notions in its public communications.