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HR: Restoran Nautika nalazi se na samom rubu mora na Pileu, uz zapadni ulaz u dubrovački Stari grad. Od svojih jedinstvenih terasa gosti mogu uživati u istinskom pogledu na Jadran i tvrđave Lovrijenac i Bokar. Restoran šefa, Mario Bunda, vodi ekipu čija raznovrsna ponuda uključuje jastoge s dalmatinskog otoka Visa i delicije iz lokalnih voda Jadrana. Restoran je smješten u bivšoj Pomorskoj školi u Dubrovniku, gdje je od davne 1881. godine dočekao poznate pomorce. Danas je restoran poslužio za očuvanje bogate povijesti grada, zadržavajući plemenitu atmosferu Dubrovačke vladavine kao republike. U 2008. godini restoran Nautika priznat je kao šesti najromantičniji restoran na svijetu časnog časopisa Condé Nast Traveler. Nautika je bila počašćena da domaćin bl. Ivana Pavla II. 6. lipnja 2003. EN: Nautika Restaurant is located on the very edge of the sea at Pile, alongside the western entrance to Dubrovnik's Old City. From its unique terraces, Diners can enjoy a truly unique view of the Adriatic and the fortresses of Lovrijenac and Bokar. The restaurant's chef, Mario Bunda, leads a team whose varied offerings include lobster from the Dalmatian island of Vis and delicacies from the local waters of the Adriatic. The restaurant is housed in the former Dubrovnik School of Maritime Studies, where it has been welcomed by famous seafarers since 1881. Today the restaurant serves to preserve the location's rich history while retaining the noble atmosphere of Dubrovnik's reign as a republic. In 2008. Nautika Restaurant was recognized as the sixth most romantic restaurant in the world by the highly respected Condé Nast Traveler magazine. Nautika was honored to host Blessed John Paul II on June 6th of 2003.