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When we started to create a restaurant and gathered for the first time in this house, in 15 minutes it became clear to us what the restaurant should not be. And over the next 15 minutes, we realized that all the normal names had already been invented. Imperceptibly “inventing the name” has become our daily routine. After some time, we already had a very pleasant time here. Avoiding the boring theme of the title, we talked about something else, and our conversations became very exciting. We were interested in each other. Kui hakkasime restorani looma ja esimest korda siia majja kogunesime, sai 15 minutiga meile selgeks, milline restoran ei tohiks olla. Ja järgmise 15 minuti jooksul mõistsime, et kõik tavalised nimed on juba leiutatud. Mõtlematult on nime leiutamine muutunud meie igapäevaseks rutiiniks. Mõne aja pärast oli meil siin juba väga meeldiv aeg. Vältides pealkirja igavat teemat, rääkisime millestki muust ja meie vestlused muutusid väga põnevaks. Olime üksteise vastu huvitatud.