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For you, stranger, to understand what this place means to you, you have to read these words with your soul, not with your eyes. Don't think that these are pages from a book or a journal. These are the heartbeats of the people that stepped in a magic land where only the chosen ones had the oportunity to step in; and the others had to wait outside the border. And that is for, because at Rossetya, the gentleman dressed with their best clother, wearing than handkerchief outside the jacket packet, and the ladies, dressed with their best dresses, waiting for the waltz, meanwhile the young ladies look after the young men with silk hats on the head and curly mustaches. Ro: Ca sa intelegi calatorule ce reprezinta pentru tine locul unde te vei opri, parcurge cu sufletul aceste randuri. Nu te gandi ca sunt pagini de jurnal ori de carte. Sunt doar bataile inimii celor care au pasit pe un tarim magic, unde calcau poate doar cei initiati, ceilalti ramanand la hotar, in asteptare. Si asta pentru ca la Rossetya, domnii, imbracati pedant arboreaza si acum batista la buzunarul de la piept, iar doamnele, etalandu-si cu eleganta crinolinele, asteapta primul vals, in timp ce domnitele suspina dupa junii cu joben si mustata rasucita. - International Restaurants Guide - AllRestaurants Website & Magazine -