SI: Ne pričakuj gizdave hotelske fasade, steklenega preddverja ali napušča, pod katerim izstopiš iz avtomobila. Si v stari Ljubljani, ki je zaprta za promet. Vander so štiri stare mestne hiše v vrsti podobnih hiš, ki se stiskajo ob vznožju ljubljanskega hriba in spuščajo na obrežje Ljubljanice. Navzven so to čisto navadne hiše, navznoter pa so preoblečene s sodobno oblikovalsko strastjo. EN: Restaurant, every day from 7.00 to 11.00. Fresh delicacies from all around Slovenia: home-made jams from our kitchen and honey from Brkini, butter from Kobarid, Slovenian cheese, home-made yoghurt with fresh fruit, freshly squeezed juices, croissants and home-made bread. There is an excellent selection of traditional Slovenian dishes: polenta with milk, barley groats with prunes, sour milk, different types of omelette with seasonal vegetables and herbs, all cooked and made with love.