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HR: U ime Hanića, vlasnika hotela Villa Olea (latinski: Olea = maslinovo drvo), dajemo vam srdačnu dobrodošlicu na našu web stranicu i Hrvatsku, zemlju s najčišćem i najljepšom moru na Zemlji! Budući da smo prepoznali činjenicu da sve više i više ljudi za svoje odredište za odmor pokušavaju pronaći mirna mjesta koja su daleko od gradske vreve i svakodnevnog stresa i žele provesti tih nekoliko dragocjenih dana odmora u ugodnom domaćem ambijentu godine 1999. u zelenu oazu jedinstvenog otoka Paga, otvorili smo malu obiteljsku poslovnu hotelu Villa Olea, kuću u kojoj gosti nisu samo gosti - oni su naši prijatelji. Ovom web stranicom želimo zahvaliti svim našim prošlim gostima na njihovom povjerenju i podijeliti s našim budućim gostima našu tajnu uspjeha zbog čega smo posljednjih šest godina na samom vrhu turističke i gastronomske ponude otoka Paga ponuda. Dakle, molimo Vas da nam dopustite da u nekoliko riječi opišemo mjesto gdje ćete uživati ​​u ovogodišnjem odmoru, ali sigurni smo i sljedeću godinu iu narednim godinama. EN: On behalf of Hanić †am., owners of Villa Olea hotel (Latin: Olea = olive tree), we give You a hearty welcome to our web site and to Croatia, a country with the cleanest and most beautiful sea on Earth! Since we have recognized the fact that more and more people for their holiday destination are trying to find peaceful places that are far away from the city crowd and everyday stress, and want to spend these few precious days of vacation in pleasant, domestic ambience, in the year 1999 in ďż˝i, the green oasis of the unique Island of Pag, we have opened small, family business based, hotel Villa Olea, the house where the guests are not only guests - they are our friends. Through this web site we would like to thank all of our past guests on their trust, and to share with our future guests our secret of success because of which we are for the last six years on the very top of Island of Pag's tourist and gastronomic offer. So, please allow us to describe in few words the place where You will enjoy in this year's vacation but, we are sure, also the next year and in the years to come.