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RU: Итальянское заведение оригинального формата совмещает в себе тратторию и кондитерскую. Только здесь, в компании идеального эспрессо, свежей выпечки и ароматов средиземноморья, внешние шум и суматоха Большого проспекта покажутся всего лишь декорациями к грандиозной театральной премьере, которая вот-вот развернется внутри. Двухуровневый ресторан знакомит гостей со всевозможными вкусами Италии, ведь в меню вошли традиционные блюда разных регионов, ингредиенты для которых напрямую поставляются из ведущих итальянских хозяйств. EN: The original Italian-style restaurant, which combines a trattoria and a bakery. Only here, in a company of a perfect espresso, fresh pastries and Mediterranean flavors, the outside noise and bustle of the Bolshoi Prospekt would merely seem as decorations for a grand theatrical premiere, which is about to commence. The two-floor restaurant introduces all kinds of Italian flavors to its guests, as its menu includes traditional dishes from different regions, ingredients for which are supplied directly from leading Italian farms. The distinctive feature of the Capuletti — a unique delicious pizza, cooked in a special way. In addition, guests can enjoy homemade cakes made upon original recipes — an authentic Italian bakery operates at the trattoria. Focaccia, Calzone with various fillings, Ciabatta, Morbido — this and much more can be enjoyed at the Capuletti or taken to go. A twenty-four hour food delivery service is also available. Many Italians living in St. Petersburg consider this restaurant their home. Interior designers managed to create the look of a vintage Italian restaurant at the Capuletti. The art-team creates a relaxed atmosphere, where every visitor feels welcome and is treated as a friend. Here we sing Italian arias on birthdays, play Uno and arrange pizzaiolo shows.