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Aura started by me, Dina Because I absolutely loved my father Because my father lost battling cancer and cancer is highly linked to nutrition, So, nutrition became my passion That passion affected people and this people joined me to build a team, Our team today works extremly hard to affect you, and your loved ones. Beacuse we care. We care about your energy, your confidence, your happiness, your success. We care about your glow… your AURA. And because a glowing aura comes from a balance of the seven chakras And because eating clean healthy food well assist in rejuvenating this energy centers. We care about FOOD, where it comes from, how it’s cooked, the way it’s eaten. We want to share with you how incredibly delicious healthy food is and We want you to share with your family, and your kids, and there friends. Help us spread the power of food because food is medicine.