OUR FOOD Rooted in local ingredients, flavors and traditions, we have combed the globe to bring back new techniques, contemporary dishes and a spirit of progression to create a restaurant that tells the story of today’s Ecuador through the language of food. For us, “Ecuadorian born. Globally inspired.” is both our motto and our mini manifesto as we marry the flavors, ingredients and traditional dishes of Ecuador to create contemporary cuisine informed by our culinary adventures. MENU Our menu follows our motto: Ecuadorian born. Globally inspired. You can mix and match dishes as you please. Ecuadorian Born These plates come from Ecuador. They have been made for generations by grandmothers, aunts, mothers and friends. Most Ecuadorians have deep memories of these dishes, and we admit that not everyone will find our creations true to their family recipes! Instead, we’ve chosen to reinterpret these classics while paying tribute to their collective cultural significance. We hope you enjoy. Globally Inspired These plates don’t come from Ecuador. They are inspired by our far-flung travels to places like Norway, Denmark, Italy, China, Vietnam, the United States, and beyond. We have reimagined these dishes using Ecuadorian ingredients to create wholly new plates. Most locals won’t recognize these as Ecuadorian dishes, and that’s okay!