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SI: Na Krasu se vse vrti okoli pršuta, zato z njim začnemo. Za testenine smo že pravi mojstri, saj lahko izbirate med kaneloni, ravioli, rezanci. Tu so še štruklji in seveda njoki. Brez pečenih telečjih krač in jančka ne gre. Konec je vedno dober, za kar poskrbijo naši orehovi štruklji, "paštakrema", figova pita, čokoladni mousse. Točimo izvrsten kraški teran, ki ga pridelujemo sami in obilico izbranih buteljk primorskih vinogradnikov. EN: In the Karst everything revolves around the ham, so we start with it. We are the true masters of pasta, because you can choose between canelons, ravioli, noodles. There are still štruklji and of course gnocchi. Without roasted veal and shrimp, it does not go. The end is always good, for which our walnut štruklji, "pastacram", figs pies, chocolate mousse are taken care of. We are trying to make an excellent karst teran, which we produce ourselves and a lot of selected bottles of Primorska wine-growers.