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HR: Kuhari i vlasnici, Ivana i Damir Raguž, zajedno sa svojim malim prijateljskim timom entuzijasta za hranu, naporno rade kako bi Porat postigao svoj ugled za posluživanje ukusnih domaćih kuhanja i tradicionalnih favorita pripremljenih i predstavljenih posebnim dodirom i puno Ljubav prema onome što rade. Smješten u živahnoj luci Gruž, Porat je "strateški" u neposrednoj blizini tržnice poljoprivrednika i ribarnica. Za one koji vole ručati kasno noću, pridružite se kuharu oko 11 sati ujutro. I biti prvi koji će posjetiti velike ribarske brodove dok se spuštaju ispred restorana. Vrlo često svježi ulov (ribe, rakovi i mekušci) ide izravno u kreativnu kuhinju i do ponoći se kuha i služi gostima. EN: The chefs and owners, Ivana and Damir Raguž, together with their small friendly team of food enthusiasts, work hard to ensure that Porat earns its reputation for serving up delicious home-style cooking and traditional favourites prepared and presented with a special touch and lots of love for what they do. Located in vibrant Gruž Harbour, Porat is “strategically” in the immediate vicinity of the farmer’s market and the fish market. For those who prefer to dine late at night, join the Chef at around 11 p.m. and be the first one to visit the large fishing boats as they dock in front of the restaurant. Very often the fresh catch (fish, crabs, and molluscs) goes directly into the creative kitchen and by midnight it is cooked and served to the guests.