(Kuchnia FUSION)
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THE 5 SENSES Smell Is the only sense that reaches unfiltered the higher centers of the brain and is inextricably connected with taste. The sense of smell is linked with memory, more than any of the other sense, that is the reason why it stirs up emotions that concern the past. Therefore our dishes are designed to make you travel in time. Taste This sense is divided in five different tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami. An important characteristic of this sense is that it can be affected by your mood as well as affect it. The ultimate goal of our menu is to touch the whole range of your tastes separately and evoke your emotions. Vision This sense affects and influences all the other senses, colours and objects bias us, that is why our specially designed space, that your dinner takes place in, is accompanied by projections, designed to be used to your surprise. Touch By using this sense, we are able to estimate the temperature and realise the texture of objects, one more pawn in the game of your dinner. While playing with the temperatures of your dishes as well as the texture, always in harmony with all the information you are receiving from the surroundings, we strive to not only arouse your senses but your emotions as well. Hearing Is the first sense we develop, we recognise and associate sounds with places and momentums. Sounds can relax us and even travel us through time and space. With the assistance of our audiovisual installation, that is exactly what we do, take you on a journey.