FR Empresa peruana dedicada a la siembra, cosecha, empaque y distribución de productos agrícolas de la más alta calidad.Actualmente contamos con más de 1000 Ha en producción y otras 1000 Ha en próximo desarrollo con nuevos productos. Contamos con tres plantas empacadoras que al igual que nuestros campos están distribuidos en los valles de Ica y Huarmey. EN Agrícola La Venta was established in February 2007 with 600 hectares of agricultural land, located in the department of Ica and with water wells that would provide 175 liters per second.In August of the same year, we began with the planting of asparagus.From the beginning of our operations, our main concern was to achieve products of the highest QUALITY in a sustainable environmental setting, as well as improving the productivity of crops. We want to become a benchmark company, not only in Peru but worldwide, in providing an excellent service.