The Irkutsk Oil and Fat Factory is a leader in the production of oil and fat products in Eastern Siberia, and is one of the five strongest Russian enterprises in its industry. The Irkutsk oil and fat factory is comprised of grain elevators for grain receiving, oil extraction, hydrogenation, mayonnaise and margarine plants. Every year the range of products is replenished with new species. Today Irkutsk Fat and Oil Plant OJSC produces a number of special margarines for baking, classic and original mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces with different taste properties and additives, vegetable oil, several types of ketchup, tomato paste, mustard and horseradish. Particular attention is paid to the deep processing of soybeans. In addition to soybean oil, fodder soybean meal, soybean soybean flour “Soyanta-200” is used, which is used as additives and protein fortifier in the food industry. Soy flour was highly appreciated in Moscow at the 1st international exhibition “Soy and soy products in the 21st century”. The products of OJSC “IMHK” at international and Russian exhibitions and fairs were awarded 7 grand prix, were awarded 26 diplomas, 3 gold 1 silver medals, the medal “For the high taste qualities of Provensal mayonnaise in polystyrene glasses”. Winner of the contest "100 best goods of Russia."