Our brand name “vandeMeester”, means “from the master” in Dutch. This is the standard we try to achieve in all our business. All of our baking mixes are developed and perfected by the master himself, Dirk Okhuijsen. With over 20 years in experience in party & event catering in products, such as: pancakes, poffertjes, stroopwafels, crêpes, churros, donuts Pizza and waffles, we have served hundreds of thousands of guests in over 10,000 top notch events. vandeMeester.com started to develop authentic new recipes in 2013, which resulted in a cooperation with an industrial mixer for the baking mixes. Currently we have a full range of premium baking mixes, equipment, full support and training for the fast food and confectionary industry, leisure and the hotel industry worldwide. We work together with big names in the baking mixes industry for our production of mixes. Thousands of kilos are sold weekly and find their way all over the continents by truck, train airplane or boat