(Categoria Produtos naturais)
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The activity dates back to 1951, the year in which Mr. Lucentini Nello, despite the great economic, political and social difficulties in which Italy poured after the end of the great war, decided to start his personal path of revenge and redemption. Driven by that memory of when the scent of coffee barley filled the homes of Italians early in the morning, with a small 15kg roaster, on the first floor of his home he gave life to his "company" of roasting barley. The company has always remained ready to meet and anticipate market demands by creating new products, ideal for modern consumers who are increasingly attentive to health and fitness, while also remaining one of the few companies to use the variety for all its roasted products. ORZO MONDO, following its sowing and production at all stages of the supply chain in order to provide consumers with a guaranteed product, traced and certified by them and their farmers.