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lthough none of us can deny that we wholeheartedly depend on alarm clocks, we can not help but feel a little bit of resentment towards them for depriving us of precious sleep. It is said that the man who invented the alarm clock could only set it to ring at 4:00 AM and could not find a way to wake up at any other time. Shortly after, his wife murdered him at 4:05. If it had not been for coffee jolting people into wakefulness every morning, the number of people killing their partners before the sounding of the alarm clock would have been on the rise. To celebrate the existence of coffee, we bring you today's offer from D. Cappuccino Café for the chance to enjoy their fresh-brewed coffee and other refreshing beverages. Offering a cozy atmosphere and amiable service, D. Cappuccino Café should be your first stop to get your daily fix of coffee. However, to give you the heads-up, you can seriously get hooked on their caramel-flavored coffee.