HR:Dobrodošli na naše stranice na kojima ćemo vam predstaviti naš kafić koji se nalazi u kneževom dvoru starogradske jezgre otoka Raba. Vrhunska vina, kokteli i kvalitetne pive samo su dio naše bogate ponude koja vam u sklopu sa intimnim ambijentom za rezultat daje savršeni odmor. Slastice su dodatna ponuda koja nas uvelike razlikuje od konkurencije i garantiramo da će zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije nepce.Vidimo se! EN:Welcome to our site where we will introduce you our cafe located in the principality of the old town of the island of Rab. Top quality wines, cocktails and quality beers are just part of our rich offer that gives you the perfect vacation in an intimate ambience. Sweets are an additional offer that greatly differs from the competition and we guarantee that it will satisfy even the most demanding palate. Let's see!