(Cozinha CLUBE E BAR)
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HR:Caffe & pizzeria & club “Marabu” otvoren je sad već davne 2004 godine, a naslijeđe je obiteljske ugostiteljske tradicije duge više desetljeća.U početku je uspješno poslovao kao caffe club, a 10-godišnjica poslovanja donijela je proširenje u vidu restoranske ponude.Još od početka poslovanja jedan od ključnih čimbenika uspjeha bilo je atraktivno i ugodno uređenje.Svakih nekoliko godina prostor je iznova uređen i proširen, a najnovije uređenje (2014.) uvjetovano je novim zahtjevima restoranskog poslovanja.Osluškujući pozitivne reakcije gostiju, vjerujemo da je trud i ovoga puta urodio plodom.Donje slike reći će vam puno više od riječi. EN:Caffe & pizzeria & club "Marabu" has been opened since 2004 and has been the legacy of the family catering tradition for many decades. In the beginning, it has successfully operated as a cafe club, and its 10-year business has expanded into a restaurant offering. The beginning of the business was one of the key success factors. It was attractive and comfortable to decorate. For several years the space has been reorganized and expanded, and the latest decoration (2014) is conditioned by the new demands of restaurant business. Listening to the positive reactions of the guests, it's fruitful. Some pictures will tell you a lot more than words.