HR: Otvorili smo svoja vrata prvi put 2004. godine. Tada je naš jedini oglas bio ugodan i ugodan miris koji se širi iz našeg roštilja i štednjaka u maloj kuhinji restorana Staroga Grada, počeli smo početi dijeliti tradiciju kuhanja. Ljudi su došli i rekli svojim prijateljima. A uobičajena atmosfera i naša jela za popunjavanje od tada su popularni i kod mještana i turista. Restoran sestrinskog Taj Mahala otvoren je 2013. godine u hotelu Lero. Uz to, konačno smo dobili prostor i slobodu predstaviti našim gostima što zapravo o bosanskoj kuhinji. U trenutku kada stupite u, prevezete se u drugi svijet. Sevdah glazba i tradicionalna bosanska domaća kuhinja, priče koje volimo podijeliti s vama i poseban izbor slastica i likera u ambijentu koji kombinira modernu udobnost s osnovnim značajkama bosanske arhitekture - sve to postaje dio vašeg iskustva. EN: We opened our doors for the first time in 2004. Back then our only advertisement was the comforting and inviting smell spreading from our grill and stove in the Old Town restaurant’s tiny kitchen were we first started sharing our cooking traditions. People came and told their friends. And the homely atmosphere and our filling dishes have been popular with both locals and tourists ever since. Taj Mahal’s sister restaurant opened in 2013 in Hotel Lero. With it, we finally got the space and freedom to present our guests what the Bosnian cuisine is really about. The moment you step in, you are transported into another world. Sevdah music and traditional Bosnian home cuisine, stories we love to share with you and special selection of sweets and liquors in an ambient that blends the modern comfort with staple features of the Bosnian architecture-all of this becomes part of your experience.