(Cozinha EUROPEIA)
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Welcome We will host you Honourable Dames and Sires, with a gladness in our hearts in the halls of a seventeenth century tavern with splendidly flavoursome food and drinks of all sorts. Our maids and lackey open the gate at noon and close them at 12 on dusk. Chy canst savour delicacies of the olden polish cuisine. And all these delicious bites should taste the finest when washed down with a quart of exquisite spirits. We will be delighted with your company. Thyncanst east in four chambers uniting ten dozen quests to the sounds of the ancient tunes of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine. Crackling flames of blazing fire in the hearth will relocate thy back in time to the depths of Sienkiewicz's “With Fire and Sword”. The letters of Scripture proclaim that when father and mother are no longer thy will listen thy uncle. Alas, as thy uncle, I tell you and swear a solenn oath that thou will not find more mouth-watering victuals and beverages in all the land of Poland and neither in Inflants. I now what I say stands true for I travelled the Inflants far and wide many a time... Imć Onufry Zagloba