(Cozinha EUROPEIA)
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The stylish self-service restaurant located on the site of the legendary Sverdlovsk restaurant Uralskiye Pelmeni offers its understanding of fast food - simple, exceptionally fresh, understandable to any Russian and curious foreign tourists. The format and concept are inspired by the history of the Chekist town built in the 30s, where the restaurant is located. There were no kitchens in the houses that formed the "town" according to the model invented by the constructivists - their residents, embodying the Soviet ideas of a new way of life and freedom from kitchen slavery, had to get tasty and healthy food collectively. That's why the factories-kitchens were created - the first public catering enterprises: spacious, comfortable and light. There are no menus in the traditional sense in the Fabrika Kuhnya. Instead of it, each guest's eye can see an appetizing gallery of bread and pie baskets, refrigerated showcases with salads and desserts, pots, pans and trays that shake, bubble and smell very temptingly. Especially for this restaurant we cook cold and Samarkand pilaf, fry perch and lamb cutlets, dishes from potatoes we have almost more than in the movie "Girls", and there are more dumplings, pancakes, meat bread, sausages, egg of three kinds of fish, blackcurrant kissel, pies with Tavdinsky lingonberries and much more.