Restaurant Cosmopolitan - bowling offers a wide range of dishes from national or international cuisine. Our international team of chefs prepares tasty dishes always made of fresh ingredients completed with delicious deserts we bake right in our hotel. Our restaurant's capacity is 50 people but in case of family celebrations, weddings or company events the capacity is extended by the use of our cafe so its overal capacity counts up to 170 people. Restaurant Cosmopolitan - bowling offers a wide range of dishes from national or international cuisine. Our international team of chefs prepares tasty dishes always made of fresh ingredients completed with delicious deserts we bake right in our hotel. Enjoy exceptional family moments full blast and no worries. Your worries in organizing weddings, celebrations and meetings are our profession, so do not hesitate to ask about the possibilities. Each wedding celebration and is unique in form and content, so we can put forward the quotation to the Advanced detail your wishes. Our restaurant's capacity is 50 people but in case of family celebrations, weddings or company events the capacity is extended by the use of our cafe so its overal capacity counts up to 170 people. Užite si výnimočné rodinné okamihy plnými dúškami a bez starostí. Vaše starosti s organizovaním svadby, oslavy či stretnutia sú našou profesiou, preto neváhajte a informujte sa o možnostiach. Každá svadba i oslava je výnimočná svojou formou i obsahom, preto Vám môžeme predostrieť cenovú ponuku až po upresnení detailov Vašich želaní.