(Cozinha ORIENTAL)
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Moda Kirinti was founded on August 28th 1981, Saturday in Istanbul/Moda and it was opened as “Kirinti Buffet” at the ground floor of a building, having a total area of 35 squaremeters with eight tables to serve. The founder Fuat Esref Erdogan was born in 1956 and he is an Ankara University Political Sciences graduate. He describes the opening morning with these words: “On the opening morning on Saturday, we still didn’t have anyone to wash the dishes! Finally, our carpenter voluntarily offered to be the dishwasher for the day. On the first half of the 1980s; there were no gross producers or retailers but only a few stainless processing ateliers. Thus a great effort was made to gather the necessary equipments and ingredients, unfortunately however, none of them were of desired quality and practicability. He continues: "Despite our store’s small size, we host a substantial number of guests. In addition to our effort, the supplier and goodwill of our customers also strengthen the bond between us every single day. A great example is the lovely people of Moda, voluntarily standing up and not minding giving up their seats to the new guests even though they have unfinished sandwiches in their hands… They have always seen Kirinti as their home and embraced the venue as their own.