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As Fatih Steak House , we have been serving you for years with care and your satisfaction in the foreground. The most important reason for being recognized as the address of reliable, high-quality shopping is that we care about your health and give utmost importance to hygiene in all of our products. Our aim is to provide you with unadulterated, sauce-free meat since our establishment. It is dehydrated and unhealthy. Our meatballs used in our burgers are prepared from 95% meat minced meat, and the bread onion is prepared without the addition of cumin carbonate sweetening preservative. Burger breads prepared from natural ingredients for you are produced without preservatives, sweeteners, potatoes and eggs. Our steaks are prepared without sauce. No harmful additives are used in any of our products. While consuming meat to protect our health, we should avoid the meat prepared during the preparation of the meat, whether or not it is used as an additive, what ingredients are used and the way it is prepared during cooking.