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Hr: Kina je po mnogočemu posebna zemlja. Geografski gledano, ona je jedna od najvećih zemalja svijeta, a po broju stanovnika nadmašuje sve druge zemlje. Njeni su stanovnici u istoriji učinili mnoga velika djela. Sagradili su veličanstveni Kineski zid, jednu od najvećih građevina u istoriji čovječanstva. Imali su i flotu velikih brodova koje su sagradili carevi Yonglo i Xuande iz dinastije Ming. Ta je flota bila tako velika da se idućih 500 godina flota nijedne druge zemlje nije mogla mjeriti s njom. Na čelu te velelepne flote bio je admiral Zheng He. En: China is by and large a special country. Geographically speaking, it is one of the largest countries in the world, and by the number of inhabitants it surpasses all other countries. Her people in history have done many great works. They built the magnificent Chinese Wall, one of the largest buildings in the history of mankind. They also had a fleet of large ships built by Yonglo and Xuande emperors from the Ming Dynasty. This fleet was so big that the next 500 years fleet of any other country could not measure with it. Admiral Zheng He was at the helm of that big fleet.