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Father De Roeck has always been a coffee aficionado and he was also best friends with a famous coffee trader in the Port of Antwerp, known for having the largest coffee stocks in the world. The coffee trader treated the family with freshly roasted coffee from the best estates around the world. Always having this stunning coffee in house, his sons have known the aroma of high quality coffee from a very young age. It is therefore not a surprise that his son Marc De Roeck founded Vascobelo 20 years ago and further developed the award-winning blend: the Vascobelo “Le Roi”. Vascobelo is thus a Belgian coffee company, although the name suggests otherwise. When Marc founded his coffee company, Italian coffee was considered as the best coffee in the world. In hope to profit from the success of Italian coffee, the coffee company was named Vascobelo. In 2012 Marc’s elder brother, Jan De Roeck, took over the helm at the company. Regarding coffee not as a beverage, but as a sophisticated mean to welcome and bring people together, we successfully brought Vascobelo into the event and restaurant business.