EN: Our family is in the restaurant business since 1991. The Fausto family had a restaurant in Rome in the seventies. Fausto started there to stay in the dining room following the customers. In the eightees his love for wine bring him to work for some of the major wine producer in Italy. In ’86 he knew Silvia Federzoni and after few years they start to work like business associates in a restaurant in their native city: Livorno. in 1995 they opened there own restaurant called “Fontino” in Pontedera and got soon the presence in the Michelin Guide with 3 forks. After another experience in a wonderfull restaurant, associates with some english, close to the medieval village of Palaia, called “I Secoli” (where they obtained the 2 glasses for the wine list by the WINE SPECTATOR magazine) they decide to come back to there town, Livorno, where they opened the Osteria Il Boccondivino, and started to work with there daughter Claudia wonderful pastry and the son Enrico. In a couple of years they carried the restaurant to be one of the best of all the area with customer who come from all over Italy. ET: Meie perekond on olnud restorani äris juba alates aastast 1991. Seitsmekümnendatel aastatel oli Fausto perekonnal restoran Roomas. Oma karjääri alguses veetis Fausto pikki tunde söögisaalides, jälgides samal ajal kliente. Kaheksakümnendatel aastatel viis armastus veini vastu ta tööle ühte suurimasse Itaalia veinitööstusesse. Aastal 1986 tutvus ta Silvia Federzoniga ja mõne aasta pärast said neist äripartneritnerid nende endi kodulinnas, Livornos. 1995. aastal avasid nad ühiselt Pontedera linnas oma restorani nimega “Fontino“ ning peagi omistati nende restoranile Michelini käsiraamatus ”3 kahvlit”. Peale suurepärast kogemust Pontederas, kutsuti neid uute äripartnerite poolt tööle keskaegsesse külla Palaia lähedal, söögikoha nimeks oli ”I Secoli”. Seal said nad ajakirjalt WINE SPECTATOR ”2 klaasi” tunnustuse veinikaardi eest.