(Кухня КЛУБ И БАР)
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In October 1842, Sladek Josef Groll brewed a completely different beer than was customary in Pilsen. Until then, beers were brewed differently in Pilsen. It mostly went through the upper fermentation and was of erratic quality. However, Groll in Pilsen applied his knowledge of brewing bottom fermented lager, a beer produced using lower yeast at temperatures around 10 °C, which will eventually leave him lying down and ripening for 30 days. Which is why it's called "lager." Thanks to the unique combination of Czech raw materials, local soft water and a new recipe, a drink was created that changed the world in the following years. The renown of the new type of beer of clear gold color, excellent full of taste and first-class quality quickly spread not only beyond the city of Pilsen. Pilsner Urquell began to gradually conquer other countries and the name pils since then refers to the entire beer category, which today accounts for 70% of all the world's beer production. In the end there is excellent beer, but its production is participated in a lot of important people, whose crafts deserve great admiration. Brewer is always the main responsible person of the whole process. It oversees the cooking process, including the quality of raw materials or inventory status. At the same time, he is in charge of all subordinates, i.e. the so-called "child" "brewery chasu". Our brewers, who have been only a few in the entire history of the brewery, pass on their knowledge from generation to generation, thus maintaining the same recipe of brewing our lager. Coopers were important to brewing from the beginning. Thanks to them, beer could be put in kegs, tubs, schming, vans and scavengers. Originally, two branches – bulls (made from hard oak wood) and crates (made of soft white wood) – merged into a single formwork. In order to maintain the same taste of Pilsner Urquell beer as one of the last breweries in the world, we still keep our coopers today. The basis of each lager is quality malt. As one of the few breweries, we prepare it ourselves. Our malters carefully choose the highest quality beech, which they then let germinate in our malthouse directly in the brewery.