HR: Masterchef Christian Cabalier, kulinarski umjetnik, od malih je nogu bio opsjednut hranom te je kroz taj medij našao svoj istinski umjetnički izražaj. Njegova profesionalna karijera prožeta je bogatim iskustvom i značajnim međunarodnim priznanjima u području gastronomije. Kroz gurmanski koncept Dežman bara masterchef Christian Cabalier predstavlja svoju viziju jednostavnih i sveprisutnih sendviča i slastica. Interpretira ih na jedan drugačiji i moderan način. Posebnost tih jednostavnih jela prvenstveno dolazi do izražaja kroz prožimanje svjetskih kuhinja u naizgled „običnom sendviču“. EN: Masterchef Christian Cabalier, a culinary artist, was obsessed with food by his little feet and found his true artistic expression through this medium. His professional career is permeated with rich experience and significant international awards in the field of gastronomy. Through the gourmet concept Deborah Bar masterchef Christian Cabalier presents his vision of simple and omnipresent sandwiches and desserts. Interprets them in a different and fashionable way. The specialty of these simple dishes comes first through the penetration of world cuisine in seemingly "ordinary sandwiches".