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Tonton Garby was rated "#1 in Brussels" in TripAdvisor, and it was nearby, but we initially had a hard time finding it as we expected more of a restaurant. It isn't - Tonton Garby is a "Bread and Cheese Shop", as it says on the sign outside. They do have a few tables and can make sandwiches, but most of the business is people buying cheeses (and bread and some charcuterie) to take with them. The proprietor was extremely friendly and switched effortlessly among at least three languages while we were there. He took plenty of time to explain the various cheeses he had and offered us samples of anything we wanted. We ended up buying some six or seven cheese varieties, plus some Parma ham and sliced sausage. Most of the cheeses were indeed delightful, though there was one tomato-and-rosemary cheese that we felt was bland. We enjoyed our visit to Tonton Garby very much and plan to return now that our cheese supply is running low!