77 is a unique restaurant with a set signature menu either pizza or burger. The place represents the essence of quality instead of variety. All combined with a young but classic atmosphere, giving you a feel of comfort, simplicity, and tranquility. The story behind our name relates directly to every part of our restaurant. Where it took 77 attempts to reach the ultimate taste for our signature pizza and burger. From the home of burger America to the home of pizza Italy, and finally to the home of Seventy 7 its 7700 Miles. Moreover, There are 77 chairs at our restaurant and lastly don’t miss our 77 special days every year. We are proud to be a Saudi brand from scratch. Inspired by obsession with quality and attention to details Seventy 7 was born, introducing a whole new experience into dining in Saudi Arabia. Our concept of a set menu with the two most desired orders Burger & Pizza was made to satisfy the “too many options” gap in the market, though because of our phenomenal recipes our slogan for you is “Choose Wisely”