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NO: Mucho Mas ble etablert av Ned Leukhardt som overtok den ultimate brune kaféen, Min Cafe på Grünerløkka. Stedet ble totalrenovert og Mucho Mas åpnet i februar 1996. Restauranten begynte med en liten stab med Ned på kjøkkenet. En liten Californian style Meksikansk restaurant som serverte fersk og hjemmelaget mat. På den tiden sa folk at ingen ville komme til en restaurant på Grünerløkka, nord for Olaf Ryes Plass, men nysgjerrige folk kom og Mucho Mas fikk årets pris fra Natt & Dag for “Beste utested” i Oslo 1996. EN: Mucho Mas was established by Ned Leukhardt who took over the ultimate brown cafe, My Cafe at Grünerløkka. The place was completely renovated and Mucho Mas opened in February 1996. The restaurant started with a small staff with Ned in the kitchen. A small Californian style Mexican restaurant that served fresh and home-cooked food. At that time, people said nobody would come to a restaurant at Grünerløkka, north of Olaf Ryes Square, but curious people came and Mucho Mas got the award for the night from Night & Day for "Best Night" in Oslo in 1996.