HR: Restoran Kompa je ugostiteljski objekat s dugom tradicijom koja datira od 1971. godine, kada je radio pod imenom “kod Ruže”.Restoran Kompa leži uz desnu obalu rijeke Drave s terasom koja u vrućim ljetnim mjesecima pruža osvježenje svojim gostima,a u večernjim satima može se uživati u prekrasnim zalascima sunca. Uz široku gastronomsku ponudu, organiziramo: svatove, rođendane, obljetnice mature te druge proslave.Restoran Kompa pruža široku gastronomsku ponudu. Od koje ovaj put izdvajamo kuhane dimljene svinjske koljenice,koje serviramo uz: kuhani slani krumpir, palentu, dinstani kiseli kupus, zapečeni grah i hren. EN: The Kompa Restaurant is a long-awaited catering facility dating back to 1971 when it worked under the name of "Ruža" .Restaurant Kompa lies on the right bank of the river Drava with a terrace that offers refreshments to its guests during the hot summer months and in the evening to enjoy the beautiful sunsets. In addition to a wide range of gastronomic offerings, we organize birthdays, birthdays, anniversaries and other celebrations. The restaurant offers a wide range of gastronomic offerings. From this time we mention cooked smoked pork knife, which we serve with: boiled salted potatoes, raspberry, boiled cabbage, pickled beans and raspberries.