(Yerel mutfak AVRUPA)
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MLT: Ir-restorant ta 'Ferretti jinsab fi stat ta' storiku li jmur lura għall-Kavallieri ta 'Malta u mdawwar b'moll. Għall-familji, gruppi ta 'ħbieb jew anke sempliċiment lejl romantic bħala koppja, Ferretti, b'ambjent ta' rilassament, komdu u skolastiku, se jipprovdi l-trankwillità li tant hi rari li ssib illum. EN: Ferretti restaurant is located inside an historic fort dating back to the Knights of Malta and surrounded by a moat. For families, groups of friends or even just a romantic night out as a couple, Ferretti, with its relaxing, comfortable and upscale ambiance, will provide the tranquility that is so rare to find nowadays.