HR:Kraš kao vodeći hrvatski proizvođač slastica u svojim novim, ekskluzivnim prostorima Choco bara bonbonniere Kraš nudi pravi doživljaj čokoladnog užitka.U ovim novim čokolaterijama može se pronaći čitav niz originalnih, ručno rađenih pralina i slatkiša. Najfiniji marcipan ili nougat deserti, raznovrsne poslastice, malene košarice izrađene od bijelog ili crnog čokoladnog plašta s različitim punjenjima, samo su dio maštovite ponude ovog jedinstvenog dućana.Posebnu novost predstavlja ponuda koktela nazvanih prema najpoznatijim Kraševim proizvodima. Ljubiteljima tekuće čokolade ponuđen je čitav niz ovih napitaka. Za ljetno osvježenje ponuda Choco bara obogaćuje se ljetnim koktelima, moussevima od bijele i mliječne čokolade, te sladolednim inačicama poznatih Kraševih brandova koji se spravljaju po želji gosta. EN:Kraš as the leading Croatian dessert manufacturer in its new, exclusive areas of Choco bar bonbonniers Kraš offers a real experience of chocolate pleasure. With these new chocolate products, you can find a whole host of original, hand-made pralines and sweets. The finest marzipan or nougat desserts, varied treats, small baskets made of white or black chocolate cloak with different fillings are just part of the imaginative offer of this unique store. A special highlight is the cocktail offerings named after the most famous Kraš products. Chocolate lovers offered a whole range of these drinks. For summer refreshments, the Choco bar is enriched with summer cocktails, white and milk chocolate moussees, and ice cream varieties of famous Kraš's brands, which are made according to the wishes of the guest.