(Yerel mutfak İTALYAN)
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HR: Bednja sa svojih 25 naselja i nešto manje od 5 tisuća stanovnika poznata je među onima koji se bave vremenoslovljem kao kraj u kojemu se bilježe niže temperature od onih u gorskim krajevima Hrvatske. Neka prije spomenuto vremenoslovlje začudi i meteorologe, jer je i sami bednjanski govor zapisan u nematerijalnu baštinu čovječanstva, kao osebujna inačica kajkavskog narječja. Na ovom poznatom mjestu, vrijeme je za priču o hrani. Možda za sve to imamo zahvaliti i poznatom bednjanskom puranu, no, krenimo redom. Iz jednoga od bednjanskih naselja, Brezove Gore, potječe obitelj Vuzem, a glavni akteri naše priče neka ovdje budu dva brata, Antun i Nikola. Sinovi su to Nenadovi, koji se sjeća kako je kuhala i što je za jelo spremala njegova baka Sofija. EN: Bednja, with its 25 settlements and fewer than 5,000, is known among those who deal with weather as an end in which temperatures are lower than those in the mountainous regions of Croatia. Let the aforementioned timepieces be astonished and meteorologists, for the Boldan language itself is written in the immaterial heritage of mankind, as a peculiar version of the Kajkavian dialect. In this famous place, it's time for a food story. Perhaps for all of this, we have to thank the well-known Bearweed, but let's go. From one of the Brezovica settlements, Brezova Gora, comes the family Vuzem, and the main actors of our story here are two brothers, Antun and Nikola. The sons are Nenad, who recalls how he cooked and what his grandmother Sofi was preparing for the meal.