(Yerel mutfak KULÜP VE BAR)
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RO: Restaurantul Tatu bar&grill a luat nastere in anul 2009, oferindu-va sortimente alese din bucataria internationala. In anul 2010, dupa lucrari de modernizare a bucatariei, am adaugat in meniu diferite sortimente de pizza, coapte la cuptor cu lemne. Din vara anului 2012, ne-am extins spatial cu o noua terasa, care sa va asigure verile racoroase cu ajutorul climatizarii de exterior, dar care se face remarcata si in anotimpurile racoroase datorita celor doua incalzitoare de terasa dar si datorita spatiului inchis temporar, adaptat vremii. Pentru ca ne dorim sa fim alaturi de voi in cele mai speciale momente, organizam nunti, botezuri, aniversari sau orice alte evenimente, oferindu-va meniuri atent selectionate si o atmosfera mereu placuta. De asemenea, organizam evenimente in regim de catering, la cele mai inalte standarde de calitate. EN: The "Tatu bar&grill" Restaurant was established in 2009, offering you an exquisite range of assortments, characteristic of the international cuisine. In 2010, after completing the refurbishment works for our kitchen, we added up in our menu various kinds of pizza, baked in a wood fired oven. Starting from the summer of 2012, we have enlarged our premises, by adding a new terrace, designed to make your summer cooler due to the outdoor ventilation system, also distinguishing itself during the cold seasons, when it is warmed up by the two terrace heaters, being temporarily enclosed due to the weather conditions. Because our wish is to be close to you when you celebrate the most important events of your life, we organize wedding and baptism parties, as well as any kind of parties and events, by offering you carefully selected menus, as well as an invariably pleasant ambiance. Concurrently, we organize events with catered food, at the highest quality standards.