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História Café Študio História tohto domu, kde sa nachádza Café Štúdio je bohatá. Bol postavený v roku 1886 rodinou Laban. Úplne pôvodne sa tu nachádzal obchod s textilným tovarom. Za éry socializmu v r. 60.-70. minulého storočia sa tieto priestory pretvorili najskôr na Divadlo hudby, ktoré sa neskôr stalo štúdiom Opusu, ako jediného slovenského hudobného vydavatelstva. Nezabudnutelné melódie, ktoré sa tu nahrávali na platne, znejú aj dnes z médií.   Tieto priestory v Starom meste mali pre hudobníkov vždy svoje čaro, keďže tu spolu počúvali nové albumy, ku ktorým sa premietali diapozitívy. V roku 1990 sa Opus s priestormi rozlúčil, a tak ostali opustené. Až 1. mája 2001 vznikla v tomto dome kaviareň, ktorú dnes poznáme pod menom Café Štúdio. Výzdoba interieru pozostáva najmä zo starých platní a fotografií a má pripomínať obdobie, kedy svoju hudobnú kariéru začínali dnešné legendy slovenskej popmusic . History of Café Studio The building in which Café Studio is located has a very rich history. It was built in 1886 by the Laban family and was originally a textile shop. During the communist era in the 1960s and 1970s, the premises were turned into a “Theatre of Music“, which later became Opus recording studio. Opus was the sole Slovak record label of its time. Unforgettable melodies, which can still be heard on the radio today, used to be recorded here on vinyl discs.   This place has always had a unique atmosphere, as musicians used to listen to new hits while projecting black and white slides on the wall. In 1990, this place was left deserted after the Opus studio moved to another spot. It was not until May 1, 2001 that a café was established - it is now know as Café Studio. The interior decorations consist mainly of old vinyl discs and photographs that recall the period when Slovak pop music legends just at the beginning of their careers.