(Yerel mutfak SU ÜRÜNLERİ)
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HR: Obzirom da sam u svojoj biti ugostitelj, stvorila se u meni želja da svojoj struci vratim pomalo izgubljeni značaj, kako dolazak u restorane ne bi bio samo zadovoljavanje gladi i žeđi već doživljaj za sva naša osjetila. Ta misao me vodila i prilikom uređenja u kojem sam vodio brigu o svakom detalju i svim gostima. Stoga sam uredio dječji park, pristup invalidima u sve djelove restorana, cigar klub, bogatu vinoteku sa oko dvjestotinjak vrsta vina, VIP salon, kamin salu, kuhinju po HCCP standardu. Našim gostima nudimo jela iz cijele domovine po recepturama naših mama, baka ili nona vodeći pri tom računa da kuhinja prati sezonu namirnica kada su one najsvježije, a time i najukusnije. EN: Since I was a caterer myself, I was born into the desire to bring back to my profession a somewhat lost significance, as coming to restaurants would not just satisfy hunger and thirst, but an experience for all of our senses. That thought led me to the arrangement where I took care of every detail and all the guests. So I have arranged a children's park, disabled in all parts of the restaurant, a cigar club, a rich wine cellar with about two hundred kinds of wine, a VIP salon, a fireplace salon, a kitchen at the HCCP standard. We offer our guests homemade dishes in the recipe of our mom, grandma or ninth, taking care that the kitchen follows the season of food when they are the most fresh and most delicious.