Bizi değerlendirin

Guiguan udelyayet vnimaniye izmeneniyam v potrebitel'skoy srede i evolyutsii struktury naseleniya.V protsesse razrabotki novykh produktov professional'nyye issledovaniya i razrabotki maksimal'no priblizheny k novym potrebnostyam potrebitel'skoy sredy, i novyye produkty udovletvoryayutsya. Poetomu Guiguan sozdal komandu obshchestvennogo pitaniya dlya yedy (biznes-keytering) i sozdal eksperimental'nuyu kukhnyu: dlya vypolneniya proyekta uchastvuyut shef-povara, personal, zanimayushchiysya issledovaniyami i razrabotkami, spetsialisty po pitaniyu, kotoryye postoyanno razrabatyvayut novyye produkty dlya nuzhd kliyentov i postoyanno sovershenstvuyut razlichnyye rabochiye protsedury. Kliyenty sozdayut stoimost' i snizhayut zatraty i riski, pozvolyaya kliyentam legko i udobno poluchat' kachestvennyye uslugi. Развернуть 746/5000 Guiguan pays attention to changes in the consumer environment and the evolution of population structure. In the process of developing new products, professional research and development are as close as possible to the new needs of the consumer environment, and new products are satisfied. Therefore, Guiguan created a team of catering for food (business catering) and created an experimental kitchen: chefs, research and development staff, nutrition specialists who constantly develop new products for the needs of customers and constantly improve various workers participate in the project. procedures. Customers create value and reduce costs and risks, allowing customers to easily and conveniently receive quality services.