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EN Wonderful Citrus’s history of growth and innovation has developed the company into the largest fresh citrus grower in the western United States. Everyone involved with Wonderful Citrus has contributed a great amount of effort and diligence, giving us a reputation for being the best. Our promise? It’s simple. Provide the safest, freshest-quality citrus today and tomorrow.These are not just words to us, we live them and it’s apparent in our actions. Pack citrus quickly and minimize handling. We operate four world-class packinghouses close to our orchards. Thus, once the citrus is harvested it is brought to our packinghouse within hours to be treated and packed. Make food safety paramount. We’re one of the first citrus companies to adopt the Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI), which means that we can trace each piece of fruit back to the ranch. We also work closely with industry experts and universities to ensure that we lead the industry on food safety best practices. Plant for tomorrow. As farmers, we consider ourselves stewards of the land. That’s why sustainability is a daily commitment in our groves. We employ drip irrigation and fan jets, minimize pesticide use in favor of environmentally safe alternatives, and focus on minimizing soil erosion. Innovate. Wonderful Citrus has been a leader and will continue to invest in innovation that builds category consumption. We are excellent at forecasting and understanding market trends, customer needs and consumer preferences. Moreover, our size and financial backing allows us to pull varieties that do not meet consumer taste expectations, and plant new varieties that will. In fact, we led the industry expansion into the mandarin business.