(Cuisine ASIAN)
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In the diverse Ropewalks area of Liverpool, diners at Sapporo Teppanyaki can witness the theatre of teppanyaki style cooking as well as a variety of sushi and sashimi. The Sapporo Teppanyaki menu offers a vast selection of meats and vegetables cooked in the teppanyaki style. Diners can enjoy their food being prepared by the show chefs, who offer an element of interactive fun to the unique dining experience. Sushi and sashimi are offered in the more relaxed bar area. An authentic oriental interior complete with a curved bar await diners at Sapporo Liverpool. Sliding panels, and light wood furnishings add to the authenticity. With modern lighting, the spacious interior at Sapporo Teppanyaki Liverpool offers a relaxed dining experience. A 10-minute walk from Liverpool Central Loop Line Train Station, the unique dining experience at Sapporo Teppanyaki Liverpool is one of interactive fun.