HR: Za početak, ime Duksa nije starolatinski naziv za pečeno tijesto s nadjevom od paradajza i tri lista bosiljka. To je nadimak za Duknovićevu ulicu (Ivan Duknović, kipar iz 15. stoljeća) u kojoj se pizzeria nalazi, a u kojoj smo moj brat i ja rođeni (tam negdi krajem 60-ih).Ulica u kojoj smo živili s mamom Ivankom (zvali su je Neda), tatom Kristijanom (zvali su ga Cicek), bakom Ankom (zvali su je baka Anka) i didom Dragom (njega su prijatelji stalno zvali u kuglanu). Tam je davno živil i ujo Braco. Ali to nije sve, živile su tam i druge familije. Baka Olgica s kumom Vesnom, Bracekom, Dadom, Sekom, Matijom, teta Boža s Inom i Alanom, teta Barica i gospon Bedić s Jadrankom i klincima, Radotići, Njegači, Palašeki, Keko i još puno puno drugih. Neki su i danas živi, neki nažalost nisu, al’ meni i nama svi su u živom sjećanju. EN: For starters, the name Duksa is not the starolatin name for roasted pasta with tomato filling and three basil leaves. This is a nickname for Duknovic's street (Ivan Duknović, 15th century sculptor) where the pizzeria is, and my brother and I were born (in the late 60s). The street where we lived with Mama Ivankom (they called Was Neda), Daddy Kristijan (called Cicek), Anko's brother (they called her grandmother Anka) and Dido Drago (his friends constantly called him in the bowling alley). It was a long time ago a shy and shy Braco. But that was not all, there were other families living. Grandma Olgica with Vesna, Bracek, Dad, Sekom, Matti, Auntie God with Ino and Alan, Auntie Barica and Gospon Bedić with Jadranka and Kids, Radotići, Njegači, Palašeki, Keko and many others. Some still live today, unfortunately they are not, but 'me and us are all alive.