RU: «Баклажан» — ресторан большой и даром что северный: в трех просторных залах, придуманных Андреем Цыганковым, устроены настоящие джунгли. После совершения покупок располагайтесь среди разлапистых фикусов, отдыхайте под водопадом изумрудной растительности на комфортабельных диванах. Или устраивайтесь в зале с эркером, где под ноги брошена зеленая трава, а за световым панно прячется романтический столик на двоих. «Баклажан» — ресторан семейный, потому сюда можно и нужно приходить с детьми, для них и с ними работает добрая няня. EN: “Baklazhan” is a spacy restaurant — a real jungle has been set up in the three large halls, designed by Andrey Tsygankov. Having shopped at the mall, you can find comfort amid wide-branching fig trees, rest on comfy sofas under a cascade of gem-colored greenery. Or seat yourself in the hall with bay-windows, with green grass under your feet and a romantic “for two only” table hiding behind a light wall picture. “Baklazhan” is a family restaurant, so its good to take children with you — they will be taken care of by a kind babysitter. The oriental fairytale lives on — the restaurant offers Caucasian and Uzbek cuisines. Iso Dzandzava is its brand-chef. Two open stoves emit spicy aromas, heat and tranquility. The barbeque place provides for lamb kebabs and juicy pork ribs, veal and orange corn is cooked on red-hot coals. Guri-style khachapuri, puffy achma and fragrant lamb kutabs are made in a wooden oven. You have to try chakhokhbili with ripe tomatoes, chuchvara-shurpa with micro-dumplings and Gali-style tsitsila — chicken baked in fragrant herbs. An entire section is dedicated to the vegetable which gave the restaurant its name. You’ll catch the scent of eggplant rolls, stuffed with sticky Suluguni cheese, on the way to your table. And you can’t leave without having a dessert — authentic Georgian churchkhela, crispy meringue with puffy sugar cream and the main oriental sweet — honey baklava, rich with nuts. Good things must come in abundance.