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HR: Mi smo Green Hut – pioniri veganske prehrane u Zagrebu! Uz vegane, obožavaju nas vegetarijanci, a za našim svježe cijeđenim sokovima ludi su i ljubitelji raw fooda. Osim što smo restoran, ponosni smo na svoj take out, a rasturamo i kao catering. Ono što nas razlikuje od konkurencije je što tradicionalnim namirnicama domaćih OPG-ova dajemo moderan twist, a naši će te obroci i sastojci toliko osvojiti da ćeš ih poželjeti odnijeti doma. U tom slučaju, kod nas možeš kupiti neke od njih, poput veganske majoneze, naše popularne čokoladne torte i relaksirajućih zelenih sokova. EN: We are Green Hut - Vegan Pioneers in Zagreb! Beside vegans, we are vegetarians, and our freshly squeezed juices are crazy for raw food lovers too. Aside from being a restaurant, we are proud of our take out, and we also cater for catering. What differentiates us from the competition is that we provide a modern twist with the traditional foods of domestic OPGs, and our meals and ingredients will win you so much that you will want to take them home. In this case, you can buy some of them, such as vegan mayonnaise, our popular chocolate cake and relaxing green juices.